Google’s virtual reality headset, Daydream, added NextVR, HBO, and Lego BrickHeadz Builder VR, among others to its roster of dedicated apps and games for the device and continued to march towards their stated goal of 50 by year’s end.
Gunjack 2: End of shift, Wands, Underworld Overlord and Layers of Fear: Solitude are the other four new additions the current set od Daydream apps. Among the seven newest releases, the first three titles are completely free, and the other four are not.
The official release was on December 8th, and it also brought the official launch of Daydream’s newest color alternatives to the slate gray: Crimson and Snow.
Most critics have said that while this pack of options is competent, comfortable and entertaining, is nothing to go crazy over it.
In fact, some of the most anticipated apps are still unreleased, with some big names coming like Need For Speed: No Limits VR and Netflix, among the top of the pack.
With the flow of announcements, a number of developers and big companies throwing their products for the device, is clear that Google is betting heavily on the potential of Daydream and it’s looking to establishing it as the main VR headset in the market, out-muscling its closer competitor at the moment, The Oculus Rift.